Holly Worthington, who chaired a committee on multiple-offer buying situations for the Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors in 2005 and then co-wrote a guide and taught a course on how to handle multiple offers, shared these tips for buyers caught in a bidding war:
â—Write a compelling letter about why you want the property. Include how you plan to use the home and why it means something to you.
â—Have your financing in order. If you are getting gift money, have it already in your bank account.
â—Use a good real estate agent and a lender with a good reputation.
Marshall Park, Redfin’s D.C. market manager, also recommends considering a general contingency clause in the District. This contingency allows a buyer to have a home inspection for informational purposes and the right to void the contract, but doesn’t require the seller to make repairs. He also suggests shortening the contingency deadlines.
— Kathy Orton
Source:Â http://www.washingtonpost.com/realestate/basic-tips-for-buyers/2012/08/09/dcc9cd36-dc0e-11e1-9974-5c975ae4810f_story.html
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